Thursday, December 22, 2011

Have you ever?

Have you ever had so many words to say, but at the same time, nothing at all?  Have you ever cried so much, that you have run out of tears, so you cry silently inside your soul?  Have you ever had something totally consume you, and you try to escape it, but you can't?  

Then I pray, and I release all of it to God.  He is the Only One who can help me right now.  He is the only one who can hear all that I have to say without saying it.  He is the only one who dries my tears on the inside.  He is the only one who can take it all away.  Thank you Lord for knowing me.  Thank you Lord for loving me so much that you know what I need and you take care of me.  

Am I the only one, or have you ever been the same way?

1 comment:

  1. I was in a bad relationship once that reminds me of everything you said in that first paragraph. It's a totally different kind of pain of course, but it was awful. And just like you said, I couldn't escape it. But, I did! I'm not feeling that pain anymore because I have Ben now : ) So, I know that you will be able to look back on this pain one day and use it to empower others : )

    Also, it is amazing to see you praying and worshipping God through out this hard time. That is empowering in itself. Thank you for your influence Marisa : )
